Our Dogs In Training
It is vital for a boxer breeder to understand their dogs temperament and drives of which they are breeding. The drives are internal mechanisms that push the dog into taking specific action or to behave in a certain way. Drives are the energy that stimulates a dog to act instinctively. We have dedicated years to training our dogs in a variety disciplines in order to select the qualities that make our boxers successful as both dog sport competitors and family companions. For example; dogs being selected for their jumping ability, will have better limbs and stronger hips, by default breeding for this ability over time you drastically reduce the risks of producing dysplastic dogs. Another trait would be the selection of dogs who possess an eagerness to please, will train easier and pass this characteristic to their progeny and so on.
Below, we show two young pups doing typical work that involves following and understanding direction, jumping, and overall off leash obedience. They are both well under Three months of age. You can only imagine the intelligent puppies they will create when matched to other dogs of equal ability and similar background. |
Its a fallacy that boxers' muzzle is too short to make them an effective tracking dog. It is a fact that dogs like German Shepherds have excellent ability, but they have also been selectively breeding for this ability for a century. Our boxers too, have been bred to use their noses for tracking, or finding articles (evidence), search and rescue, etc. We have produced dogs in the past that have been trained as cadaver dogs, one is Cytheria du CHamp des Legendes) who had great success in her career. Breeders must be mindful of these characteristics and then select pairings in order to elevate the breed. |
Our Boxers in Protection Work
One of the least understood phases of our breeding program, yet one of the most enjoyable for our dogs is protection work. We evaluate dog on defending or protecting their handlers from a threatening stranger. Remember again that the Boxer was created as a working guard dog in Germany, yet many breeders in North America have forgotten this, and in doing so, many of the boxers you know today lack the true temperament which was they were intended to have. Our boxers are first and foremost created to be family companions, and as such, they should be capable of defending their family when in danger. This is a trait that you must breed for and only breeders with the utmost experience and knowledge can do this.
Below you will see pics of our dogs training in protection work. Boxers doing this caliber of work have courage, are very stable and a balanced temperament and a strong desire to engage a threat to keep their family safe from harm. Over the years, we have become well known for producing a true boxer type.
Below you will see pics of our dogs training in protection work. Boxers doing this caliber of work have courage, are very stable and a balanced temperament and a strong desire to engage a threat to keep their family safe from harm. Over the years, we have become well known for producing a true boxer type.
Training the Defense of Handler